Hiding Text in Video by Linked List Method:Dual Steganography

  • Neha Anjum
  • .Sidharth Kaushik
  • .Mounika K
  • B. Sharon
Keywords: Steganography, PSNR, MSE, ET(Elapse time),Fiestal Network.


The recent growth in computational power and technology has propelled the need for highly secured data communication. One of the best techniques for secure communication is Steganography-a covert writing. It is an art of hiding the very existence of communicated message itself.The aim is to design a steganography algorithm which not only hide the message behind the image but also provide more security than others .A new steganography technique for embedding both text or image in cover images by using LSB & Link List method is implemented. This steganography technique is completely a time domain (pixel based) and secret messages are embedded directly into 24- bit color image. Two ways are provided for embedding the secret data inside cover image such as sequential encoding and random encoding for both text & image .For the purpose of security, encryption technique is used with a user defined key. RGB image format is used to improve the quality of the stego image. At last that RGB image will saved as BMP image file so that no lossy compression can occur and the original message do not destroy and can be extract as it is. Aspect ratio for both text and image after hiding in cover image maintains exactly same. Performance of proposed steganography technique is evaluated by calculating values of MSE(Mean square error), PSNR(Peak signal to noise ratio), ET(Elapse time). Dual Steganography is the process of using Steganography combined with Cryptography. Steganography is the process of hiding confidential data's in the media files such as audio, images, videos etc. Cryptography is a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of hiding and revealing information and also for proving authorship of messages. In this paper, Dual Steganography concept has been applied to secure the original videos from unauthorized person. The process has been done by embedding the original video inside another video. Both the videos are converted into frames first. Then the individual frames of original video are sampled with the frames of another video. After completing the sampling process, the output frames are combined to get the encrypted video.


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How to Cite
Anjum, N., Kaushik, .Sidharth, K, .Mounika, & Sharon, B. (2018). Hiding Text in Video by Linked List Method:Dual Steganography. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(II). Retrieved from http://www.asianssr.org/index.php/ajct/article/view/600

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